Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Truth About Property Inspections

As I met with an owner today it came to my mind that some landlords are under the impression that inspecting a property while it's occupied with eliminate problems with tenants.  Unfortunately this is not the case!  Inspections are typically used as a tool to keep the owner up to date on what repairs he or she will need to take care of, to reiterate common mishaps to the tenants, and to look at the property.  I have run into frequent occasions where a landlord will say to me "how did the tenant leave the house like this, didn't you do any inspections?!"  The answer is YES!  We were in the property while the tenant was living there but it's almost impossible to know what's hiding behind pictures, under couches, etc.  If a tenant is doing something that's in breach of the lease, that activity is usually hidden, removed, or covered up when the property manager or landlord enters the property.  Per Colorado state law we must post notice to enter a property and give occupants reasonable notice.  This is typically considered 24 or 48 hours.  By the time we have posted notice and gotten into the property, the dog that's not supposed to be there is magically gone, or the marijuana that was growing in the closet has been removed, etc.  Although I do think inspections are an important part of owning real estate don't be fooled into thinking it will keep your occupants on the straight and narrow!  The best hedge against problems with tenants is screening!  Your objective as a landlord or property manager is to get the best person you can find to rent your property.  If you have a high quality responsible tenant in your property the inspections won't reveal anything that you didn't already know.  The house will be clean and organized, the yard will be maintained, and minor maintenance repairs will be completed without even bothering the owner or property manager.  If you are so uncomfortable with a person renting or living in your property that you need to do frequent inspections, owning real estate may not be your thing.  Tenants can take offense to owners constantly coming into their home. 


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